Finding the Best Breastfeeding Position For You!

A woman lays on a couch while holding her baby

Breastfeeding is a rewarding and all-natural way to provide nutrients to your baby. But the physical toll can be taxing, especially from prolonged sitting, standing, and holding. So what can new mothers do to make such a beautiful job feel less cumbersome? Why not try a different position! You might be wondering what’s the best breastfeeding position for you. Here at The Breastfeeding Shop, we have tons of insider tips on making your adventure through all-natural feeding as easy as possible. This is your Breastfeeding 101 on how we can keep your back from aching and arms from hurting. So, without further adieu, here are the eight nursing positions that are sure to take the stress off your body while feeding your baby!

Nursing In a Sling

This position can be a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it makes breastfeeding on the go easier! With a convenient design and lightweight materials for you and your baby, nursing in a sling is a go-to for the mother who is always on the move! Your baby is fastened by your side at all times, allowing for easier carrying and access for your baby. Not to mention the stress it will take off your arms from constant holding — mommies need support too! Plus, nursing slings may include fashionable colors and light feel. Also, it can be very useful if your baby does not like to be put down. So, why not try one out today?

Koala Hold

The next position is the pride and joy of the breastfeeding world! The “koala” or upright feeding position is the most basic and commonly used by mothers. Its applications are useful and versatile! This hold focuses on sitting with your baby on your leg and is particularly useful for moms who are out and about! This hold can practically be used anywhere. Just sit in an upright position while your baby rests on your thigh or hip. Then hold their spine or head as they feed. You can see this hold everywhere, and it’s not a surprise why it’s the choice for most mothers!


If you’re trying to figure out a breastfeeding position for you, we’re here to help. One of our personal favorites is the Side-lying position. It is perfect for a day on the couch with your baby or wherever you find yourself the comfiest! Grab a pillow and lay on your side on a couch or bed. Your baby should be facing you on their side as well tucked close to your body. Adjust the nipple, so it is most comfortable for you and your baby. Then voila! You have a comfortable position that’s perfect for lounging! It is worth noting that you will have to turn to change the nipple for your baby every so often.

Rugby Ball Hold/ Double  Rugby Ball Hold

A Rugby ball hold is another simple, very relaxed position that you and your baby can both enjoy! This useful technique resembles a football or rugby carry, keeping your baby close and secure. Sit with your baby while they rest on your forearm while tucking them alongside your body, resembling a football/rugby ball. It’s that simple! Also, if your baby isn’t supported enough, add a pillow or towel to raise their head. Additionally, this hold can also be used by a mother who has twins!

Cradle Hold

The cradle hold is another classic hold mothers use and is probably what most people picture when thinking of breastfeeding! This hold can be done upright or slightly reclined, with your baby on their side. While being cradled by both arms, your baby is against your stomach while feeding. This hold is really basic, and it is typically done sitting down. But it can be utilized standing too! Other mothers also use a breastfeeding pillow on their lap to make this hold more comfortable for the baby as well.

Laid Back Position

This classic hold is one of the first holds new mothers gravitate towards because it is basic and simplistic. The laid-back hold consists of sitting reclined with your baby on your stomach while supporting your baby’s back with your hand. This is most comfortable on a couch or bed, it isn’t called the laid-back position for anything! If your baby is not accustomed to other positions or struggles with them, then the laid-back position is perfect for you and your baby! This is not just exclusive to newborns either and can be used with babies of all ages.

Dangle Feeding

This hold is not an everyday hold, but it can be very beneficial for you and your baby when other holds aren’t cutting it! Dangle feeding involves the baby lying on their back, while you get on all fours or lie down and dangle your nipple into their mouth. It may not be the most natural position, but it can be helpful in the event milk ducts become blocked. This might help unplug them! Additionally, this hold is beneficial to the baby who refuses to latch and can help them become more comfortable for other positions. Or, you could try using an electric or manual breast pump to express milk for your baby.

Dancer Hand Nursing Position

Another hold that is beneficial for babies struggling from latching is the dancer hand nursing position! This hold is focused on supporting your baby’s head and your breast at the same time. Hold the underside of your breast with three fingers while your other two (being your thumb and index) hold your baby’s chin. This position is done upright in an effort to provide the most comfort and support for you and your baby.

Always Remember!

No matter what position you choose, keep in mind that staying supported and relaxed is essential for you and your baby’s sake! You’re going to be in the same position for quite a while, several times a day. So, grab a book and snacks, and maybe you can binge that new show you were thinking about watching!

We hope that this article helps you find the right breastfeeding position for you. The Breastfeeding Shop is dedicated to making your life with breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable! If you like these tips, you will love our other blog posts as well! Stop back soon for more on breastfeeding and pumping.

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