Erie Breast Pumps

Breast Pump in Erie

If you have a baby that will be arriving soon, you may be trying to make your way through a long baby checklist. Your list may include toys and clothing as well as a crib, a carrier, a car seat, and more. Let The Breastfeeding Shop help you get your breast pump in Erie. We have years of experience working with a variety of insurance companies, including Humana, Aetna, Cigna, Highmark, and Capital Blue. Therefore, we can ensure that all the right forms are filled out correctly, resulting in a convenient breast pump delivery for you. We strive to make it as easy as possible for moms to get the insurance pumps and supplies they need to care for their babies.

We believe that breast milk is the best source of nutrition for a developing baby. But there are some babies who have a hard time latching. And some moms have trouble expressing enough milk on a daily basis. Even if you plan on breastfeeding directly, it doesn’t hurt to have a breast pump on hand in case you need it. Plus, we can help you get this equipment for free.

Insurance breast pump in Erie County

Where can I Get a Breast Pump in Erie?

Our store offers some of the very best breast pumps that are available. We have Medela and Spectra breast pumps as well as Motif, Ameda, Willow, BabyBuddah, Freemie, and many, many more. If you’re not sure which breast pump is best for your specific needs and schedule, that’s okay. Just give us a call, and we’ll gladly help you compare breast pump models. Additionally, we have a breast pump comparison chart that you can check out. Selecting a breast pump is an important decision. And we want to do everything we can to help make this process easier on you.

Breast Pump Erie

Need Erie, PA, Breast Pump Accessories? Reach out to Us Today!

In addition to breast pumps, we also offer a variety of pumping accessories. That includes maternity compression garments as well as storage bags, bottles, and spare breast pump parts. When you’re trying to get the most out of your pumping sessions, sometimes having the right accessories and settings can make a huge difference. Getting this all figured out can take a bit of trial and error. If you’re having a hard time or have some questions, feel free to contact us today for more information. Our team is here to help you out!

Do I Need to Get a Breast Pump in Erie?

Do you plan to feed your baby breast milk or formula? This is an important decision that every momma has to make. In addition to your own preferences, you’ll have to consider your schedule and lifestyle as well as your employment situation. A breast pump is definitely a must-have if you’re planning on returning to an office and being away from your baby for several hours at a time. But it also doesn’t hurt to order a breast pump if you are planning on direct breastfeeding. Then you’ll have the breast pump in case you ever need it. You could be dealing with engorgement or a low milk supply. Or, maybe your child is having trouble with latching. A breast pump can help with all these situations. And it allows you to share feeding duties with a babysitter or other family member.

Do You Sell Used Breast Pumps?

No, all of our breast pumps at The Breastfeeding Shop are new and have never been used before. This is the best way to ensure that your baby doesn’t get sick from any mold or bacteria that could be hiding in an old or borrowed breast pump.

What are the Best Breast Pump Brands?

Our store only offers breast pumps from the best brands. Each different brand and model have their own unique features and settings. It’s all about finding the right breast pump that will complement your lifestyle as you’re feeding and nourishing your baby. We will gladly go into more detail on our breast pump products and settings if you get in contact with us.

Should I Get a Hands-Free Breast Pump?

When you imagine pumping milk, you may be picturing being stuck in seclusion, plugged into an outlet for hours every day. But it doesn’t have to be like this, especially if you get one of our terrific hands-free breast pumps. The Breastfeeding Shop offers a number of different wearable breast pumps, including Elvie, Willow, Freemie, and Medela Freestyle Flex.One of the major benefits of getting a hands-free breast pump is that you’re able to multitask while you express milk. While you pump, you can do a conference call for work, check your emails, play with your baby, run errands, prepare your dinner, and more. Some wearable breast pumps even fit right inside of your bra, so you’re able to use them out in public without anyone noticing.

Why am I Not Getting any Milk When I Pump?

Don’t let yourself get discouraged if you’re not expressing enough milk. It can take a bit of trial and error to find the breast pump settings and accessories that will allow you to get the most out of your pumping sessions. Our staff members are all very knowledgeable when it comes to our different breast pumps and their settings. Reach out to us for some help if you find yourself having a tough time expressing enough milk for your baby each day.

We recommend trying out different suction levels and settings to find a rhythm that is close to your baby’s natural feeding rhythm. Or, you might just need to try some different breast shields or flange sizes. Additionally, you may need to eventually replace your breast pump parts as they can wear out over time.