5 Teething Facts Every Parent Should Know

A baby lays on a white sheet chewing on a teething ring

Many parents look forward to their child’s first toothy grin, but teething can also be a source of stress and a plethora of questions. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, both in terms of symptoms and remedies. Even the experts can’t agree on everything, but here are 5 teething facts that every parent should know:

1. Excessive Drooling Isn’t Normal

Parents also believe that cutting teeth causes drooling and a lot of it. Mild drooling is usually a part of the teething process, but excessive drooling is never normal. Don’t write off excessive drooling, get it checked out by your pediatrician, as it could indicate something more serious.

2. First Teeth Can Erupt Between 3 to 14 Months

Parents usually expect their baby’s first tooth to come in when baby’s between 4 and 6 months old. However, there’s a much wider range for first teeth. An early teether may get his first tooth as early as 3 months old, while a late bloomer may not see his first white cap until 14 months.

3. Babies Need to Bite and Chew to Cut Teeth

All that mouthing and biting your little one does prior to cutting a tooth serves a purpose. Appropriate mouthing experiences allow teeth to emerge on time, in a proper sequence and fully formed. Chewing seems to be crucial for tooth eruption, so let your little one chew until her heart’s content.

4. Some Toys Are Better Than Others

Many toys on the market today aren’t actually the best for your baby’s teeth. Babies need to chew on all surfaces of the mouth not just the front and a lot of toys are just too big. Instead, look for toys large enough so your baby won’t swallow or choke on them, but small enough so she can move the toy safely around her mouth.

5. Breast Milk May Help Pain

Mothers are often concerned about how the eruption of baby teeth will affect their nursing relationship. Breast milk has been shown to have analgesic, relaxing and immune properties. It’s also very soothing for infants to nurse. But make sure you take care of your nipples and breasts too.

If you need some tips to soothe teething babies, you can read about that here.

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