10 Things To Do When You Find Out You’re Expecting
The test — it was positive and you are over the moon with delight and perhaps a bit of anxiety. There is so much to plan for this life-altering event when expecting. There are a lot of people that say you shouldn’t try to prepare so early on in pregnancy and that you have plenty of time to think about things later, but it is never too early to start preparing. Here are 10 things to do when you find out you’re expecting!
1. Start Taking a Prenatal Vitamin
If you were trying to conceive then you might have already started doing this, but if you haven’t then start NOW. Pre-natal vitamins contain all of the necessary vitamins that your body needs to produce a healthy, growing baby during development and the first trimester is when all of the major organs are developing so you need to have those vitamins. You can get these by prescription from a doctor, but they can also be bought over the counter. Just look on the back and make sure it has folic acid in it (recommended by most doctors is 800mg).
2. Make a Doctor’s Appointment
Maybe you already have an awesome doctor, in which case call them up and schedule an appointment. If you are like me though, you will probably have no idea where to even begin the doctor search. Start by asking people who they like, look up reviews, and if all else fails just find your nearest OBGYN clinic or even the closest hospital and give them a call. Then you can get some names and research them. And if you go to your appointment and find out you don’t like them, don’t be afraid to branch out and find a doctor you really trust because that will be important. Once you find a doctor, schedule an appointment. Some doctors will take you as soon as you find out, while others like to wait until you are 8-10 weeks before the first appointment.
3. Decide Who and When to Tell
This one is kind of tricky and there is a lot of controversy regarding this. Some say you should wait until you are out of the first trimester, others think it is fine to tell everyone. Whenever you decide to tell you can get as creative as you want (I will post some fun announcement ideas soon!) or let it be a simple, special moment.
4. Adjust your Eating Habits
Having a baby means your body is working extra hard and needs all of the nutrients it can possibly get! Try loading up on healthy foods that have important vitamins and proteins that you need. Vegetables that are rich in folic acid like leafy greens, legumes, avocados, and green peppers are great. It also helps to start eating small meals, several times a day. This might be tricky if you are struggling with morning sickness, and if this is the case don’t feel bad.
5. Stop Drinking and Smoking
Does this one really need any explanation? All of these things are harmful to baby’s development. The second you know you are pregnant, ditch these things. If you are on birth control that is invasive, such as an IUD or a rod in your arm, contact your doctor immediately.
6. Start Documenting Your Journey
It will amaze you how quickly pregnancy brain sinks in and how easily you forget things about being pregnant. Start taking photos and writing about your journey. You can use a diary or get a notebook and write one line a day about pregnancy. You can also start a photo journal or photo book or write about it on your blog.
7. Sleep
Your body is working hard, you need that extra rest! Take it while you can because by your third trimester, it is going to be hard to get good sleep and once you have the baby you can just plan on always being a little tired for quite a long time, perhaps for the next 18 years. Here are some tips for getting better sleep when you’re pregnant.
8. Make a To-Do List
What things do you want or need to get done before the baby arrives? Make sure to write them all down so you don’t forget then make a calendar and schedule when to try and get them done. This will save you immense stress in that last trimester when you are rushing to finish everything before the baby gets here!
9. Try to Ease your Symptoms
So, you are sick. Really sick. And you can’t manage to go more than 45 minutes without yawning. And you can’t count the number of times you are going to the bathroom in a day because it is so often. Relax. This is normal and usually is signs of a healthy pregnancy. You may not be able to get rid of symptoms entirely, I mean you are building another human inside you! But there are some tricks you can do to help manage your symptoms- not drinking a lot of water before bed will help reduce bathroom breaks at night. Taking naps in the day or going to bed early will help ease how tired you feel. Eating small meals may help ease nausea.
10. Learn about your Insurance
There is no nice way to say this really, but most people will agree with me when I say that insurance can be the biggest pain in the butt. Now is the time to call and inform them of the pregnancy, what your options are, what things they cover, and if they have any programs specifically for pregnant women. I know some insurance programs offer bonuses specifically for pregnant women such as 24 hour access to nurses, free books and informational outlets, free infant CPR classes (or similar), and even can offer freebies like breast pumps and gift cards. Don’t forget to find out about how your insurance may assist you with the cost of your Breast Pump and Supplies. Knowing the process and what’s covered will prepare you when your baby arrives.
At The Breastfeeding Shop, we hope that this list of 10 things to do when you find out you’re expecting is helpful for you.