10 Easily Forgotten PCS Tasks on Your To-Do List!

A soldier in uniform loves his wife in new house

10 Easily Forgotten PCS Tasks

When you’ve gotten new orders, and it’s time to move, you want to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. So, here’s a list of ten easily-forgotten PCS tasks on your to-do list, brought to you by The Breastfeeding Shop.

PCS Tasks before a Move


  • Make sure to have your electricity, Internet, cable, and any other monthly household bills turned off.
  • Return your cable box and cable modem to your cable company. I can’t tell you how many people we have heard of that forget to return their cable box.
  • Cancel all gym or club memberships that you have.
  • Complete a change of address through the post office. Even if you do not have a new address, make sure to forward your mail to a friend or family member.
  • Refill all prescriptions before you move. You don’t want to run out of medication during a moving process.
  • Have your dentists’ and doctors’ phone numbers on hand.
  • Research new duty station for possible housing, schools and sexual offenders. By doing this ahead of time, you will have an idea of where you want to live before you get to your new duty station.
  • Make sure you have copies of any and all medical, dental, school, and veterinary records. Don’t forget to ask your salon for hair care and color records, too!
  • Return all borrowed items to friends and neighbors. I have loaned things out and never saw them again.
  • Properly dispose of hazardous chemicals. Certain chemicals cannot be thrown in the garbage and have to be turned into the chemical recycling center.

PCS Tip! Remember to contact your Rental Insurance Company with your new address.

Visit your branch of military service which provides detailed printable checklists.

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